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Sunday Skills with Steph

(need: mat or grass area to protect your knees)

3 rounds
⁃ 10 total reps: elbow bounces
⁃ 5 total reps: Table Inside Outs (over and back = 1 rep)
⁃ 5 total reps: shoulder tap – shoulder tap – strict push up (strict HR if needed)
⁃ 10 jumping air squats (mod: 10 air squats)

Skill Work
(need: mat to lay on)

4 rounds
⁃ 20-30 sec Upper Arch Hold
⁃ In both options, legs and feet are together and squeezed tight!
⁃ Option 1: 1 arm stays down, 1 arm up with the torso
⁃ Option 2: both arms up with the torso ⁃ Side Over Arch Hold or Side Over Arch ⁃ Option 1: 10-15 second hold in tall arch on each side ⁃ Option 2: 5 Side Over Arch (up and down) on each side ⁃ Leg Lowers ⁃ Option 1: start in dead bug position, lower legs, hold for 2 seconds, tuck return to starting position ⁃ Option 2: start in dead bug position, lower legs, hold for 2 seconds, straight leg raise to starting position ⁃ Option 3: start in dead big position with shoulders off the ground, lower legs, hold for 2 seconds, straight leg raise to starting position

(need: mat or towel for the ground)
15 min cap
5 rounds for time

10 diamond push-ups
15 Inside Out Frog Jumps (full extension)
20 Straddle v-ups (mods below)

Modifications for diamond push ups
1. Rx is Diamond push ups (chest touches the ground)
2. Strict push up (keep elbows in!)
3. Box push up (keep elbows in!)

Modifications for v-ups
1. Rx is straddle v-ups (legs are straight)
2. Tuck-up (return to ground each rep)
3. Sit-ups (hands in front of the feet, hands behind the head)

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